As of April 5, 2006, a series known as Norisuta Hai began airing five-minute Hamtaro episodes known as "Tottoko Hamutaro: Norisuta Hai!" The Norisuta Hai series is animated differently from the original series; most notably the head-to-body ratio is off, and is designed to appeal to a younger audience. There does not seem to be any connection between Tottoko Hamutaro and Tottoko Hamutaro: Norisuta Hai! beyond the planned appearance of all fifteen original Ham-Hams(Excluding Lapis and Lazuli).
Hamtaro 1.1 – 1.12 were released in Australia, with three episodes on each DVD. But there are no plans for further releases for the other episodes. Hamtaro Volume 1 – Volume 3, with four episodes on each DVD were released in Germany by RTL2. In the U.S. episodes on each DVD from Paramount, with previews of Hamtaro stuff, including a Cartoon Network promo for the show, a trailer of the Ham-Hams Unite! video game, a commercial of the Hamtaro Playhouse set, and a promo for Codename: Kids Next Door. In Singapore, Hamtaro DVD box sets are available with 4 discs of the first season (26 episodes) with six episodes on each disc. There are also boxed sets of 27 episodes with six to seven episodes on each of four discs. Hamtaro Seasons 2, 3, and 4 are released that way.
Homemade Valentines Day Bath
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Homemade Valentines Day Bath
250 × 327 - 61k
Homemade Valentines Day Bath
250 × 327 - 61k
Homemade Valentines Gift
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Easy Homemade Valentines
350 × 255 - 10k - jpg
Hamtaro 1.1 – 1.12 were released in Australia, with three episodes on each DVD. But there are no plans for further releases for the other episodes. Hamtaro Volume 1 – Volume 3, with four episodes on each DVD were released in Germany by RTL2. In the U.S. episodes on each DVD from Paramount, with previews of Hamtaro stuff, including a Cartoon Network promo for the show, a trailer of the Ham-Hams Unite! video game, a commercial of the Hamtaro Playhouse set, and a promo for Codename: Kids Next Door. In Singapore, Hamtaro DVD box sets are available with 4 discs of the first season (26 episodes) with six episodes on each disc. There are also boxed sets of 27 episodes with six to seven episodes on each of four discs. Hamtaro Seasons 2, 3, and 4 are released that way.
Homemade Valentines Day Bath
250 × 327 - 61k
Homemade Valentines Day Bath
250 × 327 - 61k
Homemade Valentines Day Bath
250 × 327 - 61k
Homemade Valentines Gift
250 × 465 - 103k - jp
Easy Homemade Valentines
350 × 255 - 10k - jpg
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