"Bixby's Back" is the fourteenth episode of the American comedy television series, Modern Family's second season and the 38th episode overall. It originally aired February 9, 2011 on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC). The episode was written by Danny Zucker, and directed by Chris Koch.
In the episode, Claire (Julie Bowen) and Phil (Ty Burrell) decide to reprise their role-playing adventure from the previous Valentine's Day episode, "My Funky Valentine", Jay's (Ed O'Neill) elaborate Valentine's surprise for Gloria (SofĂa Vergara) keeps getting held up, an admirer comes between Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) and Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson).
In the episode, Claire (Julie Bowen) and Phil (Ty Burrell) decide to reprise their role-playing adventure from the previous Valentine's Day episode, "My Funky Valentine", Jay's (Ed O'Neill) elaborate Valentine's surprise for Gloria (SofĂa Vergara) keeps getting held up, an admirer comes between Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) and Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson).
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